
Passion for the planet. An appetite for food.

I grew up with good food. My parents would be cooking from scratch almost every evening. We always ate well and we ate healthily – at least as healthily as anyone did in the 90s.

Once I’d left home and met my husband, food became our thing too. We’d spend our evenings browsing cookbooks and planning the weekend’s feast. He cooked, I baked. We visited farmer’s markets and shows, gathering all the exciting new ingredients we could find.

I have an MA in Development Studies from the University of Cambridge, studying Environmental Law & Policy and Manufacturing Engineering. I work in digital start-ups in London. And I advise on the board of our small family food production business, creating local British charcuterie.

Nourishative (nourish initiative) began because I wanted some clear answers to cut through the noise of rhetoric around what the real paths forward towards global food sustainability and net zero.

It’s where I bring together all-important good food with science-based evidence as to how we can eat well to nourish ourselves so I can feed my family in the best possible way, and help you feed yours. Whether it’s just you, a whole gang, or an entire community enjoying your food business.

Katherine Mugan

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